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How to grant only few previleges ( to execute only DML and DDL statements) to the new user in MySQL?

How to grant only few previleges ( to execute only DML and DDL statements) to the new user in MySQL ?

I tried the below command :

GRANT CREATE, ALTER, DROP, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON database.* to 'karthik' identified by 'shimoga';

But, it is showing Syntax error.

You need to take out identified by 'shimoga' from your statement.


CREATE USER 'karthik'@'instance' IDENTIFIED BY 'Password';

THEN GRANT Privileges:

GRANT SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, EXECUTE, INSERT, DROP, ALTER, CREATE ON databaseName.* TO 'karthik'@'instancename';

Better Solution will be to create a Role. And assign the role to user. This will make your job easier if you have many users that needs similar privileges.

First Create a Role:

CREATE ROLE IF NOT EXISTS 'Developer'@'localhost';

Then Assign the required Privileges to the Role.

GRANT SELECT, DELETE, UPDATE, EXECUTE, INSERT, DROP, ALTER ON databaseName.* TO 'Developer'@'instanceName';

Finally Assign the Role to User which you would have already created:

GRANT 'Developer'@'localhost' TO 'karthik'@'instanceName'; 

SET DEFAULT ROLE ALL TO 'karthik'@'instanceName';

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