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unit testing file upload in angular

I am using the nf-file-upload module to upload a file to my backend. The code for the file upload is as follows:

    $scope.upload = function (file) {

                url: 'http://localhost:3000/fileupload',
                data: {file: file[0]},
            }).then(function (resp) {
                console.log('Success ' + resp.config.data.file.name + ' uploaded. Response: ' + resp.data);

The file uploading works great. however, when I create my unit test:

  it('should send file to backend for processing', function(){
    var mockFile = {file:[{"name":"file.bin", "size":1018, "type":"application/binary"}]};
    httpBackend.when('POST', 'http://localhost:3000/fileupload').respond(200, {"filePath":"http://localhost:3000/uploads/file.txt"});

I get an error:

TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'resp.config.data.file.name')

What am I doing wrong?

The then method using the resp argument. In the normal conditions, you'll receive a object that have the structure: { config:{ data: { file:{ name: 'a name'} } } }

but in your test you don't respond with the same structure.

EDIT: Ok. I got this. the way that ng-file-uploader returns the data it's not mockable. You don't get the name of the file in the resp.data.config.file.name, Instead, saves the filename in a variable before upload the file. Like this:

   $scope.upload = function (file) {

      var fileName = file.name;

        url: 'http://localhost:3000/fileupload',
        data: {file: file[0]},
      .then(function (resp) {

        console.log('Success ' + fileName + ' uploaded. Response: ' + resp.data);


Check this codepen codepen.io/gpincheiraa/pen/MyrvQK Good luck!

You need to run a digest cycle.

  it('should send file to backend for processing', function(){
    var mockFile = {file:[{"name":"file.bin", "size":1018, "type":"application/binary"}]};
    httpBackend.when('POST', 'http://localhost:3000/fileupload').respond(200, {"filePath":"http://localhost:3000/uploads/file.txt"});

This will resolve the promise and trigger the return data.

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