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How to use INET or Mixim's module in my own custom project

I want to build my own custom wireless sensor network project by using simple modules in INET or Mixim. How can I use them ? I try the following codes in my cc file and NED file, but the system cannot find them. So do I need to create my project under the subdirectory of INET ? Is there any other method?

#include "inet/common/INETDefs.h"
#include "inet/networklayer/contract/IInterfaceTable.h" 

import inet.networklayer.configurator.ipv4.IPv4NetworkConfigurator;
import inet.node.inet.INetworkNode;

There is another question, how can i find the achieve C++ file of examples in INET ? Because there are only ned files in the examples without the achieve C++ fileS, I want to find out how the examples work. Any help ?

  • Make sure that the INET project is open in your workspace
  • Right click your own project in the project explorer and select Properties.
  • Find the Project dependencies page and select INET as a dependency

After this, both the NED packages and the header files should be available to your project.

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