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jsf 1.2 to jsf 2.2 migration causes: javax.faces.FacesException

I'm working on a project about migrating from jsf1.2 to JSF 2.2,I already removed the jsf 1.2 jars and I replaced them by jsf 2.2 jars! But when I'm trying to change schema namespace in faces-config file(new namespace definition for jsf 2.2) I got this exeception:

Caused by: javax.faces.FacesException: Class org.jboss.as.web.deployment.jsf.JandexAnnotationProvider is 
not an instance of com.sun.faces.spi.AnnotationProvider

This seems like an inconsistence in your dependencies. This Exception obviously points out, that


is not an extension of


However, I've done a little research using http://grepcode.com to get a better Picture of this Problem. It seams, that JandexAnnotationProvider actualy is an extension of AnnotationProvider , at least after jboss-as-web version 7.0.0

Also Interesting was, that JandexAnnotationProvider disappeared after version 7.1.2.Final

I would suggest updating to the latest Version of jboss-as-web, which is 7.2.0 This class might got replaced for a reason related to your problem.

You can acquire this version at:


or as Maven dependency:


Best regards,


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