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AngularJS Resolve Promise. Redirect if promise is rejected

A little back story.

  • I have public pages, not restricted
  • I have private pages, restricted that require login.
  • I am using Firebase Authentication for the login.

I have my $routeProvider set up in my .config() of my main .module() My restricted paths look like the following.

.when('/admin', {
            controller: 'adminCtrl as admin',
            templateUrl: 'pages/admin/dashboard.tpl.html',
            resolve: {
                "currentAuth": ["$firebaseAuth", function($firebaseAuth) {
                    //$requireAuth returns a promise if authenticated, rejects if not
                    var ref = new Firebase(fbUrl);
                    var authObj = $firebaseAuth(ref);

                    return authObj.$requireAuth();

My question is about the resolve specifically, I am assuming it is working correctly because I am not seeing the templateUrl on my browser. (I know this for a fact, I removed the return and placed return true and my templateUrl appeared)

So right now, this promise in the resolve is getting rejected. Since I am not a logged in user.

My question is, how would I either a. send $routeProvider to my .otherwise route or b. place a redirect in the resolve if the promise is rejected.

Basically, If the user is not logged in, I want them sent back to the home page. Right now the browser is just showing a blank page.

After some more research (I realize now I needed to dig more, sorry won't happen again.)

I have found a solution by adding .run() to my application.

.run(function($rootScope, $location) {
    $rootScope.$on("$routeChangeError", function(event, current, previous, eventObj) {
        if (eventObj === 'AUTH_REQUIRED') {

This grabs my routeChangeError and redirects when I have the error of AUTH_REQUIRED.


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