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Maven Resources and docker-maven-plugin

I would like to understand better how Maven deals with resources and in particular how plugins can reuse the Resources infrastructure that Maven provides:

I have already read the resources section of Maven and looked at the Maven Resources Plugin .

Now I came across the Docker Maven Plugin from Spotify. Which contains the following configuration section:


Looking at the Readme of the plugin I could not find any explanation which child elements are allowed for a <resource> element. I am assuming that the <resource> element is in fact related to Maven's org.apache.maven.model.Resource class and that I can just reuse the documentation of Maven to understand who it works. But according to the Maven documentation I linked above, it seems that <include> elements must be nested inside an <includes> element which the above code listing does not do. Now I am confused.

To summarize: Where can I look to get a definitive answer if a plugin does not exactly document how its configuration works. Does there exist some kind of XML schema reference for plugins where I can lookup how particular elements work?

I think you want to set configs like:


these one you can use for example by following:

fixes this by:


Important are these two tags:


I am using a dockerfile, which path you have to define with this tag:


Now you can build your jar and generate docker image via:

mvn package docker:build

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