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How to concatenate two column values inside List?

I'm trying to concatenate two column values inside a list and respectively select all columns but all I can achieve is get a concatenated column inside list with no other existing columns data .As I loose other columns data inside list because I'm using select to concatenate .

Linq Query:

 data = data.Select(m => m.Name = m.Id + m.Place).ToList(); // m=>m kindoff with concatenation 

I need data to be modified like column name Name will hold Id+Place and I get all columns data intact ( Place , Address ,etc) can be many more .

Try something like this...

data = data.Select(m => new
    Name = $"{m.Id} {m.Place}", // Edit to add string interpolation
    Place = m.Place,
    Address = m.Address,
    etc = m.etc

While you don't "need" to include a name for m.Place, m.Address, etc. (Visual Studio will name them appropriately based off the of the property name), I find that it's easier to read if you keep the syntax consistent.

Assuming you want to update specific fields you could use the foreach clause. This will update the values in place without needing to call ToList as well.

data.ForEach(m => m.Name = m.Id + m.Place);

Use select new :

var data2 = from c in data
            select new
                Name = c.Id + " " + c.Place,
                Place = c.Place,
                Address = c.Address


var data3 = data.Select(c => new { c.Address, Name = string.Format("{0} {1}", c.Id, c.Place)});

There are already two answers which should work for you. But they give you a list of anonymous objects.

The below will give a list of your custom class( instead of anonymous object ) with the desired result.

var result = data.Select(m => new Category 
                                { Name = m.Name = m.Id + m.Place,
                                  Place = m.Place} ).ToList();

Update Category with your class name ( the same class which data is a collection of or a different DTO/View model with those property names).

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