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Java setImageResource

I have a little card game. In an ArrayList I add the 52 cards:

ArrayList<String> liste = new ArrayList<String>();

and fill it with this:

for (int n=1; n<14; n++) {
    liste.add("d" +n); //diamonds
    liste.add("c" +n); //clubs
    liste.add("s" +n); //spades
    liste.add("h" +n); //hearts

To draw a card I use this code:

private void drawCard() {
    if (liste.size()!=0) {
        kort.setText("" + liste.get(0));
        int i = liste.size();
        cardsLeft.setText("" + (i - 1));
    else kort.setText("No more cards in deck");

In my drawable folder I have 52 pictures of cards with the same name as the names in the ArrayList. When the program draw eg. d2 i need to set the ImageView cardImage to image d2 from the drawable folder as well:


Need help to how I change the imageview to match the drawn card

You can do:

public static int getDrawableId(Context ctx, String name) {
   return ctx.getResources().getIdentifier(name, "drawable", ctx.getPackageName());

cardImage.setImageResource(getDrawableId(YourActivity.this, "d2"));

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