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How to properly display a splash screen

I want to display a splash screen in my app since I have to read some data on disk and customize the interface accordingly. If I didn't the effect would be that the interface is loaded and then customized, and the effect is clearly visible. So my idea is define a globla splash screen window and:

  1. In the constructor.

     WindowState = WindowState.Minimized; // <---- for the mainWindow splashScreen.Show(); 
  2. in the WindowViewBase_Loaded event

     SetInterfaceElements(); // <-------interface customization (1) splashScreen.Close(); WindowState = WindowState.Maximized; // (2) Activate(); // <------------------------to put focus on 

In the end the effect is always the same so a gap between (1) and (2).

So I thought about a refresh problem. I tried to force it with UpdateLayout but no luck. So from here another solution but always the same. Am I missing something??

What you need to do is to create a splash screen class and encapsulate all of its functions. Furthermore, you need to activate the splash screen through a thread, like this:

public static class SplashScreenView
    public static Show()
    Thread thread = new Thread(() =>
                splashScreenView = new SplashScreenView();
            // you code

    public static Close()
     // close splash screen code

After that your code suppose to be like that:

// all your code

This way you don't need to maximize and minimize your window.

Personally i would go with setting the Splash as the MainWindow on application initialization, doing the required loading in the loaded callback of the splash window and then opening + changing the actual MainWindow. That way you don't have to bother with threads/ui freezes.

In the mainView constructor

public MainView()
  SplashScreen splashScreen = new SplashScreen();


Action emptyDelegate = delegate { };
bool IsContentRendered = false;
private void WindowViewBase_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        Dispatcher.Invoke(emptyDelegate, DispatcherPriority.Render);<---to refresh
        IsContentRendered = true;


private void WindowViewBase_ContentRendered(object sender, EventArgs e)
 if (IsContentRendered)
        if (splashScreen != null)
        WindowState = WindowState.Maximized;

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