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Condition not Satisfied at Groovy

have a problem here, and I'm really tired of try to find an solution...

Every time I use this:

Map<Object, Object2> comparisonMap = new HashMap<>()
comparisonMap.put(object, object2)

I receive an error message like this:

Condition not satisfied:

comparisonMap.put(object, object2)
|             |   |       |
|             |   object  object2
|             null

And I'm really stuck at this. Can someone help me to figure out a solution?

You must be doing this in a then block.

then: blocks are for asserting something is true.

Map.put is a void method, so groovy will evaluate this as false

The solution is to do this put in the correct block... You don't show your spock test though, so I can't suggest a solution

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