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ServiceBus Queue Trigger For Azure Function: Manage claim is required for this operation

EDIT This question was written in 2016 so it may not be relevant anymore

I've just created a simple Function App with one function that should be triggered when a new message is added to the queue (in-portal function)

I've used the "ServiceBusQueueTrigger - C#" template to create my function so the code looks like that:

using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

public static void Run(string myQueueItem, TraceWriter log)
    log.Verbose($"C# ServiceBus queue trigger function processed message: {myQueueItem}");

From the Azure Portal, I've got this error:

Microsoft.ServiceBus: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. Manage claim is required for this operation. TrackingId:6e27fe40-f667-4230-9995-d09f2ac67f35_G17,TimeStamp:4/18/2016 10:17:41 PM. System: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized.

Azure功能错误 - (401)未经授权 - 此操作需要管理声明。

At the beginning, I've set up my connection string with a shared access policy that only allows to listen to the queue and changed it to a Manage claim but I still have this error.

To fix this, I had to set up the connection with the RootManageSharedAccessKey that give a full access to the service bus namespace

Is it the normal/desired behavior ? Will it be possible in the future to set up connection strings with different shared access policy ?

The default AccessRights used if not specified is AccessRights.Manage . You can override this using the advanced portal editor, specifying a more restricted AccessRights value:

  "bindings": [
      "type": "serviceBusTrigger",
      "direction": "in",
      "accessRights": "listen",
      "queueName": "samples-input"

We need to expose this value via first class portal UI as well to make it easier to configure.


    public async Task MyFunction([ServiceBusTrigger(MyQueueName, Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.AccessRights.Listen)] Message message, TextWriter log)

My solution was somewhat simpler, I had taken the approach of using an app.config file with a connectionString to my ServiceBus stored in the setting:

<add name="AzureWebJobsServiceBus" value="e.t.c."/>

And I had put the wrong value in the service bus value. It wasn't immediately obvious where to find this stuff, as Azure has moved things around a bit since I last looked. For guidance you go to the namespace of the Service Bus (search for Service Bus, then select your namespace) and then choose Shared Access Policies. In there you should find your shared access key and you can copy this service bus value into your app config (with due care and attention to source code security for your actual production keys....) My shared key was set up for Manage Send Listen, I'd just copied it down wrong...

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