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what is the equivalent of delphi's TClientDataSet.PacketRecords in c#?

If I read data into a datatable using the Adapter.Fill() method the entire resultset is loaded into the datatable. When there are many records this can take a second or 2 and since it is in the loading of the form the form takes a few seconds to show itself.

In delphi I could use a TClientDataSet with packetrecords set to 50 for example to make it not load the entire table when opening and only fetch more records when needed.

Is there a way to do the same in C# using simple datatable components ?
The application is binding all data-aware controls to a bindingsource, that is bound to a datatable that is filled by the Adapter.Fill() method.


public int Fill(int startRecord, int maxRecords, params DataTable[] dataTables);

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