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Send two variables from php to javascript

I want to send two variables from the php file to the javascript. I've set this up:

Javascript code

function cek(user,pass){

        alert('Password Anda Salah');
    } else if(user==user1){
        alert('Username baru sama dengan username lama');


PHP code

    include "db.php";

    $query=mysql_query("SELECT username,password FROM user WHERE nip=$nip",$koneksi);
    echo'<font face="verdana" size="3" color="black"><br />';

    echo'<form method="post" name="form1">';

    echo'<label>Username </label>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;';

    echo"<input type='text' id='user' name='user' tabindex='1' value=$username> <br />";

    echo'<label>Username Baru</label> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;';

    echo'<input type= "text" id="user1" name="user1" tabindex="2"/> <br />';

    echo'<label>Password</label> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;';

    echo'<input type="text" id="pass" name="pass" tabindex="3" value=$password> <br />';

    echo"<button type='button' name='submit' id='submit' onclick=subtotal(".$username.",\"".$password."\"))>Submit</button>";

I've tried to do it this way. But it does not work properly, please help me or give some advice to solve this problem.

you can try this : in php :

 <div id="myid" data-var1="<?php echo $var1;?>"  data-var2="<?php echo $var2;?>">    </div>

in jquery :

  var var1=$('#myid').attr('data-var1');
  var var2=$('#myid').attr('data-var2');

and you can use this variables in javascript function

var user = $('#user').val();
var pass = $('#pass').val();
function cek(user,pass) {
 // your script here

To send a variable from PHP to JavaScript , You can set the PHP variable to JavaScript variable and the JavaScript variable will be available on your script.



echo "<script>";
echo "var js_var_1 = $php_var1"; //double quote So PHP variable will work in string
echo "var js_var_2 = $php_var2"; 
echo "</script>";

Now js_var_1 and js_var_2 will be available on your scope and can use:


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