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Defining a class in Node.js

I am trying to make a model class in Node.js and am having some trouble.



This is how I'm trying to define the class.

function MosaicStreamer() {


module.exports = MosaicStreamer; 


app.get('/map', function(req, res){
    'use strict'; 
    var models = require('./models/MosaicStreamer.js'); 
    var mosaic_streamer = new MosaicStreamer; 
    res.render('view', {type: "block", name: "Sara", latitude: "", longitude: "", zoom: ""}); 

Here I am trying to create an instance of the MosaicStreamer class.


I keep getting:

ReferenceError: MosaicStreamer is not defined

The stack trace points to var mosaic_streamer = new MosaicStreamer; in app.js .

What am I doing wrong?

Every function and variable has to be defined in each file separatly.

Simply replace

var models = require('./models/MosaicStreamer.js');


var MosaicStreamer = require('./models/MosaicStreamer.js');

to assign the exported named function MosaicStreamer (class) to your local variable MosaicStreamer instead of models

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