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integrating .Net Framework with IIS on windows server 2008 r2

I am deploying a website using .net framework 4.5 on a 2008r2 server, I installed the .Net framework on the box, but i do not see it anywhere in Server Manager (was looking under features) the system had .net 3.5 on it already, and from what i have read it should have installed with all the options for that version. however my webpages throw exceptions of unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework' on the <compilation targetFramework="4.5"> line making me suspect there is some error registering the install. I have run aspnet_regiis and ServiceModelReg, I have also tried the .net framework repair tool to no avail. I feel as though I am missing a step some-ware.

You have to run aspnet_regiis to get the new framework installed into IIS. It's located in C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v4.0.30319. Go to that location in a command window and run this command.

aspnet_regiis -ir

这对我来说似乎很奇怪,当我进入应用程序池并打开asp.netv4.0默认属性时,它被设置为使用v2.0的.Net Framework版本,将其更改为v4.0即可

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