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Extract values from an array of hashes

I need to extract values from an array of hashes:

data =

I need to get all the :room night fields and add the values. What is the best way to achieve that?

first: it's not nice to ask for help and to format the question as you did. second: the question has nothing to do with Rails or with Savon. This is a pure Ruby question. The solution seems simple to me. You iterate over your array and summarize the numbers for each key :room_night For example like this:

nights = 0
data.each do |booking|
    nights += booking[:room_night].to_i
print "nights=#{nights}\n"

If you go functional it's even more simple:

nights = data.map{|e| e[:room_night].to_i}.reduce(:+)

and done!

As a bonus I put a executable script into Pastbin https://pastebin.com/29nMTYrK

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