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Android Release error: Expected a color resource id (R.color.) but received an RGB integer

I have an application in the market for a year. Last week, I have changed the source code of my app. When I wanted to build the release version Android Studio throws an Error:

"Error: Expected a color resource id (R.color.) but received an RGB integer [ResourceType]"

Color is only used in this part of code and I haven't made ​​any changes in this part:

if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
            rlFlash.setBackground(new ColorDrawable
            rlFlash.setBackgroundDrawable(new ColorDrawable

It is so strange that in the Debug version Android studio didn't throw any error and I can build the apk.

Do you know whats happen??




Though it's too late, but this answer is for those who may still get this error while taking release build like me. Don't know if it's a solution or just workaround.


Use this at your method signature like below where you get the error.

public void aMethodWhereYouMayGetTheError(){

By using this you will be able to take release build without that error.

If you have used the anotation @ColorRes in this method then remove that. The apk will be generated successfully. Refer to SO Answer to clarify further about the lint checks. The answer is quoted below:

There are Java annotations to support these checks in your own code. They can all be found in the android.support.annotations package: IdRes DrawableRes LayoutRes StringRes ColorRes &c In this case, for example, I could use:

private void mySetContentView(@LayoutRes int resourceId) {

and Android Studio will check that the provided resource id is indeed for a layout. Moreover, these annotations are exported, so they can be especially useful when designing a library.

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