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Turning Code Snippet into an HTML page

I have this awesome script which converts a horrible JSON Report from an Application API endpoint which was written by a member of StackExchange ( JSON (from HTML Table) to CSV ). It runs perfectly in the Run Snippet but, I want to put this into an HTML page instead.

I have tried adding a header:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Convert JSON Report to Table</title>

<script type="text/javascript">

and resolved the scripts, body and html at the bottom but it doesn't do anything.

Below is the script I want to run in HTML. How would I put this into a blank HTML page? Thanks, Matt

var data = {
  "Header": {
    "Time": "2016-03-30T16:10:19-07:00",
    "ReportName": "GeneralLedger",
    "ReportBasis": "Accrual",
    "StartPeriod": "2016-01-01",
    "EndPeriod": "2016-03-31",
    "Currency": "GBP",
    "Option": [{
      "Name": "NoReportData",
      "Value": "false"
  "Columns": {
    "Column": [{
      "ColTitle": "Date",
      "ColType": "tx_date"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Transaction Type",
      "ColType": "txn_type"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "No.",
      "ColType": "doc_num"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Name",
      "ColType": "name"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Memo/Description",
      "ColType": "memo"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Split",
      "ColType": "split_acc"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Amount",
      "ColType": "subt_nat_amount"
    }, {
      "ColTitle": "Balance",
      "ColType": "rbal_nat_amount"
  "Rows": {
    "Row": [{
      "Header": {
        "ColData": [{
          "value": "Current",
          "id": "144"
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
        }, {
          "value": ""
      "Rows": {
        "Row": [{
          "ColData": [{
            "value": "2016-03-16"
          }, {
            "value": "Bill Payment (Cheque)",
            "id": "181"
          }, {
            "value": "1"
          }, {
            "value": "Teddy's T Shirt Supplier",
            "id": "70"
          }, {
            "value": "104478"
          }, {
            "value": "Creditors",
            "id": "138"
          }, {
            "value": "-600.0"
          }, {
            "value": "-600.0"
          "type": "Data"
        }, {
          "ColData": [{
            "value": "2016-03-17"
          }, {
            "value": "Bill Payment (Cheque)",
            "id": "184"
          }, {
            "value": "2"
          }, {
            "value": "Teddy's T Shirt Supplier",
            "id": "70"
          }, {
            "value": "104478"
          }, {
            "value": "Creditors",
            "id": "138"
          }, {
            "value": "-120.0"
          }, {
            "value": "-720.0"
          "type": "Data"
        }, {
          "ColData": [{
            "value": "2016-03-17"
          }, {
            "value": "Deposit",
            "id": "180"
          }, {
            "value": ""
          }, {
            "value": "",
            "id": ""
          }, {
            "value": "Opening Balance"
          }, {
            "value": "Opening Balance Equity",
            "id": "137"
          }, {
            "value": "2400.0"
          }, {
            "value": "1680.0"
          "type": "Data"
        }, {
          "ColData": [{
            "value": "2016-03-23"
          }, {
            "value": "Payment",
            "id": "186"
          }, {
            "value": "345678"
          }, {
            "value": "Maxamillion Enterprises",
            "id": "68"
          }, {
            "value": ""
          }, {
            "value": "Debtors",
            "id": "140"
          }, {
            "value": "216.0"
          }, {
            "value": "1896.0"
          "type": "Data"

function parse(data) {
  var rows = [],
    row, curRow, rowSegment;
  for (var i = 0; i < data.Rows.Row.length; ++i) {
    rowSegment = data.Rows.Row[i].Rows.Row;
    for (var j = 0; j < rowSegment.length; ++j) {
      row = [];
      curRow = rowSegment[j].ColData;
      for (var x = 0; x < curRow.length; ++x) {
  return rows;

var parsed = parse(data);
var rowEl, outEl = document.getElementById('html-out'),

for (var i = 0; i < parsed.length; ++i) {
  rowEl = document.createElement("div");
  rowEl.setAttribute("class", "row");
  rowEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsed[i].join(', ')));

You missed to call the function parse( data ) and html-out div element

  var data = { "Header": { "Time": "2016-03-30T16:10:19-07:00", "ReportName": "GeneralLedger", "ReportBasis": "Accrual", "StartPeriod": "2016-01-01", "EndPeriod": "2016-03-31", "Currency": "GBP", "Option": [{ "Name": "NoReportData", "Value": "false" }] }, "Columns": { "Column": [{ "ColTitle": "Date", "ColType": "tx_date" }, { "ColTitle": "Transaction Type", "ColType": "txn_type" }, { "ColTitle": "No.", "ColType": "doc_num" }, { "ColTitle": "Name", "ColType": "name" }, { "ColTitle": "Memo/Description", "ColType": "memo" }, { "ColTitle": "Split", "ColType": "split_acc" }, { "ColTitle": "Amount", "ColType": "subt_nat_amount" }, { "ColTitle": "Balance", "ColType": "rbal_nat_amount" }] }, "Rows": { "Row": [{ "Header": { "ColData": [{ "value": "Current", "id": "144" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "" }] }, "Rows": { "Row": [{ "ColData": [{ "value": "2016-03-16" }, { "value": "Bill Payment (Cheque)", "id": "181" }, { "value": "1" }, { "value": "Teddy's T Shirt Supplier", "id": "70" }, { "value": "104478" }, { "value": "Creditors", "id": "138" }, { "value": "-600.0" }, { "value": "-600.0" }], "type": "Data" }, { "ColData": [{ "value": "2016-03-17" }, { "value": "Bill Payment (Cheque)", "id": "184" }, { "value": "2" }, { "value": "Teddy's T Shirt Supplier", "id": "70" }, { "value": "104478" }, { "value": "Creditors", "id": "138" }, { "value": "-120.0" }, { "value": "-720.0" }], "type": "Data" }, { "ColData": [{ "value": "2016-03-17" }, { "value": "Deposit", "id": "180" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "", "id": "" }, { "value": "Opening Balance" }, { "value": "Opening Balance Equity", "id": "137" }, { "value": "2400.0" }, { "value": "1680.0" }], "type": "Data" }, { "ColData": [{ "value": "2016-03-23" }, { "value": "Payment", "id": "186" }, { "value": "345678" }, { "value": "Maxamillion Enterprises", "id": "68" }, { "value": "" }, { "value": "Debtors", "id": "140" }, { "value": "216.0" }, { "value": "1896.0" }], "type": "Data" }] } }] } }; function parse(data) { var rows = [], row, curRow, rowSegment; for (var i = 0; i < data.Rows.Row.length; ++i) { rowSegment = data.Rows.Row[i].Rows.Row; for (var j = 0; j < rowSegment.length; ++j) { row = []; curRow = rowSegment[j].ColData; for (var x = 0; x < curRow.length; ++x) { row.push(curRow[x].value); } rows.push(row); } } return rows; } var parsed = parse(data); var rowEl, outEl = document.getElementById('html-out'), val; for (var i = 0; i < parsed.length; ++i) { rowEl = document.createElement("div"); rowEl.setAttribute("class", "row"); rowEl.appendChild(document.createTextNode(parsed[i].join(', '))); outEl.appendChild(rowEl); } parse(data); 
 <div id="html-out"> </div> 

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