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What is the difference between http post and Redirect in CakePHP

What is the difference between

$HttpSocket->post('http://localhost:8090/example/samplecontroller/add', $data);


$this->redirect(array('controller'=>'samplecontroller','action' => 'add', $data));

Both post the data ,whereas first method is not working for me. I used

App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http'); and
$HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();

How to make it work? Or The second method is also HTTPpost?


 public function httppost() {
    App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
    $HttpSocket = new HttpSocket();
    $data = array('name' => 'test', 'type' => 'user');
    $response = $HttpSocket->post('http://localhost:8090/catv/airtime_masters/httpget', $data);
    return $response;

 public function httpget() {

when i run httpget() i get array()

I dont think they both POST the data, Im pretty sure redirect will send the data as GET method.. or as url vars eg(?parameter1=value1&parameter2=value2).

They are quite different. redirect is used when you want the user to sent to another page. The HTTPSocket->Post method is used when you want to post some data to a URL and do something with the response eg:

$response = $HttpSocket->post('http://localhost:8090/example/samplecontroller/add', $data);
/** do something with $response data here **/

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