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RxSwift and CLLocation : crash when trying to get user location

I am using RSwift library in my app. I am trying to get the user location in order to send it in a network request. To get this location, I need to use Observables because the function must throw an error in case of user did not authorize location.

This algorithm is a part of a concatenated array of many Observables ran in an another thread than the main thread (in order to not freeze the UI). I need to execute the "get user location" function in the main thread because if not executed in the main thread it crash and the crash log is :

fatal error: Executing on backgound thread. Please use `MainScheduler.instance.schedule` to schedule work on main thread

In the above code, there is the geolocation helper init (this is a singleton) and the method executed to get the user location (or an error).

private var authorized: Observable<Bool?>
private var location: Observable<CLLocationCoordinate2D>
private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

private init() {
    locationManager.desiredAccuracy = LocationOptions.desiredAccuracy

    authorized = Observable.just(false)
        .map({ _ in CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() })
        .map({ authorizedStatus in
            switch authorizedStatus {
            case .AuthorizedAlways, .AuthorizedWhenInUse:
                return true
            case .NotDetermined:
                return nil
            case .Restricted, .Denied:
                return false

    location = locationManager.rx_didUpdateLocations
        .filter { $0.count > 0 }
        .map({ return $0.last!.coordinate })

func getLocation() -> Observable<Location> {
    return authorized
        .flatMap({ authorized -> Observable<CLLocationCoordinate2D> in
            guard let authorized = authorized else {
                return Observable.empty()

            if authorized {
                return self.location
            } else {
                return Observable.error(
                        code: 0,
                        userInfo:nil )
        // We just need one position updated
        .map({ coordinate in

            let location = Location(longitude: coordinate.longitude, latitude: coordinate.latitude, latestUpdatedDate: NSDate())
            if location.isValid() {
            return location
        .doOnError({ error in self.stopUpdating() })

I see in the RXSwift geolocation example ( https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift/pull/429 ) a class that can handle it with Drivers but I really need to have an error and Drivers cannot return errors.

I would appreciate if someone can help me on how to achieve this.

I already tried to add " .observeOn(MainScheduler.instance) " to the 2 observables but it freezes the UI.. maybe there is a better way to do this without freezing UI.


@romroll, DelegateProxy works only on Main thread in RxCocoa for now. Try to do something like this

.map({ _ in CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() })

Hope, this helps. If not, you can always reach me in the RxSwiftSlack , by mentioning @sergdort, or somebody else :)

您必须将扩展CLLocationManager + Rx.swift和RxCLLocationManagerDelegateProxy.swift复制到您的项目,因为它不再是RxCocoa的一部分

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