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Control logging output from third-party libraries used in a gradle plugin

I have a gradle plugin that uses a library. The library uses archaius, which ends up logging some information using sl4j.

When I execute a task from my plugin, it ends up using this library, which then ends up using archaius. This means I start seeing all of these log messages that come from archaius. Is there any way to turn this off?

Things I have tried:

  • Setting the log level from the plugin's apply method to LIFECYCLE / QUIET .
  • Adding a logging.properties file to the plugin's src/main/resources with com.netflix.level = QUIET .

Neither of the above worked. Is there a way to disable these log messages?

I figured out how to do it. Unfortunately it depends on internal classes in gradle, but I couldn't figure out any other way:

void apply(Project project) {
    OutputEventListenerBackedLoggerContext context = (OutputEventListenerBackedLoggerContext)  LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();

    context.setOutputEventListener(new StfuLogger())

class StfuLogger implements OutputEventListener {
    void onOutput(OutputEvent event) {
        LogEvent logEvent = (LogEvent) event
        if(!logEvent.category.contains("com.netflix")) {

The idea is to get the logger factory implementation that gradle uses, reset it, and then supply a new output-event listener. Doing it with project.gradle.useLogger(new StfuLogger()) doesn't work.

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