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cv2 import error with caffe python

I'm trying to write my own python layer in caffe, and when I try to compile it, I keep getting this import error.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/username/caffe/layer_example.py", line 3, in <module>
import cv2
ImportError: /home/username/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cv2.so:undefined symbol: _ZN2cv11arrowedLineERNS_3MatENS_6Point_IiEES3_RKNS_7Scalar_IdEEiiid

I've tried to find a solution online, and changed my ~/.bashrc to look like this:

export PYTHONPATH=/home/username/caffe/python:/home/username/anaconda2/lib:$PYTHONPATH

I'm still getting the import error though. Any ideas on what the possible solution might be?

EDIT: Fixed the issue! I uninstalled opencv(2.4.10) on conda, and installed version 2.4.9:

conda install opencv=2.4.9
conda install numpy

That fixed the error for me.

EDIT: Fixed the issue! I uninstalled opencv(2.4.10) on conda, and installed version 2.4.9:

conda install opencv=2.4.9
conda install numpy

That fixed the error for me.

sudo apt-get install python-opencv

could also be a solution. Cuz caffe ubuntu installation guide install says you have to install


However, I observed that this package makes opencv only accessible to c++. To use opencv with python I had to install python-opencv

I got this answer from Installing OpenCV for Python on Ubuntu, getting ImportError: No module named cv2.cv

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