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Spring bean lazy initialization

I was thinking about the lazy-initialization of beans in Spring. For me, it wasn't crystal clear that the "lazy" here means that a bean will be created when it's referenced.

I expected that the lazy initialization support in Spring is different. I thought this is a "method-call" based lazy creation. What I mean by this is, whenever any method is being called on the method, it will be created.

I think this could be easily solved by creating a proxy instance of the specific bean and do the initialization on any method call.

Am I missing something why this is not implemented? Is there any problem with this concept?

Any feedback/idea/answer will be appreciated.

You can achieve the behavior you want by scoping your bean with a proxyMode of ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS (CGLIB) or ScopedProxyMode.INTERFACES (JDK).

For example

public class StackOverflow {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Conf.class);
        Bar bar = ctx.getBean(Bar.class);

class Conf {
    @Scope(proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
    public Foo foo() {
        return new Foo();

    public Bar bar() {
        return new Bar();

class Bar {
    public Foo foo;

class Foo {

will print


demonstrating that the Foo bean was initialized through its @Bean factory method only after a method was invoked on the Foo instance injected by the Spring context in the Bar bean.

The @Scope annotation can be used in a class declaration as well.

bellow is my views:

Bean types in Spring Container:

There are two Scope bean type in Spring Container .One is Prototype , this type bean won't exist lazy-init concept, because these beans will be instantiated when clients invoke the getBean() method every time . Another is Singleton , these bean will be instantiated once , these beans can be lazily instantiated( just be instantiated when they're used, such as @Autowired, refrenced) if you define the bean use @Lazy or lazy-init=true .

How to implement lazy-init :

Yes, common implementation is Proxy Mode . Spring use JDK Dynamic Proxy and Cglib to implement Proxy , you can go further understanding about these techs.

Hope to help you.

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