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Ampache install page not displaying correctly

Having installed Ampache into my Apache server, I navigated to localhost/ampache/install.php.

However, the page didn't display correctly on any devices.

It's supposed to look like this apparently:

How it's supposed to look

The page on my server looks like this:

How it's probably not supposed to look

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks, in advance.

It would seem like that the file ampache.cfg.php isn't writable.

Go to the file (Localted at /usr/share/ampache/www/config/ampache.cfg.php and see what the rights tot the file is. If the file exists and there is no write rights for it, then simply change it using chmod.

The user that needs the write-rights are called www-data or apache.

Assuming it's apache run the following:

chgrp -Rv apache /usr/share/ampache/www/config/ampache.cfg.php
chmod g=rwx -R /usr/share/ampache/www/config/ampache.cfg.php

That will give apache ownership of the group, and give the group read/write/execute rights to that file.

Either that, or maybe you don't have MySQL server installed (Or perhaps a user in MySQL with the appropriate rights/permissions).

Also the config file (ampache.cfg.php), needs to have the right information in it, with server, username and password.

It's very simple.
This is because your PHP port is being used by another service on your system.
Open your task manager and navigate to the services tab.
Search for world wide web services and stop it.
Now refresh your WAMP and the WAMP icon should turn green within a few seconds.
Open the link again and success!!! 🙂

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