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RXSwift - How to recall an api

i created an observable for an api call and bind to a tableview. Now i am unclear how to call the same api once again? so as to do a refresh - say on an button click?. The following is my sample code.

Please let me know your thoughts it will be helpfull

 var items : Observable<[String]>? 
   func viewDidLoad(){

            items = fetchAllAnswers()
   func fetchAllAnswers() -> Observable<[String]>{
   let api = Observable.create { (obsever: AnyObserver<[String]>) -> Disposable in
        let answers = API.allAnswers()
                    return AnonymousDisposable{
                        print("api dispose called")
                return api


    func onClickRefresh()
   // how to call api here again?

   //  let items = fetchAllAnswers() 
    // items.bindTo(....).addDisposableTo(bag)


it's simple. You may to use Variable for update your items:

let items =  Variable([String]())

Next you must to bind items with your UITableView:


Next you may to update your items in subscriber:

.subscribeNext { stringArray in 
    items.value = stringArray

If you want to update your table by button click, you may to do next:

.flatMap { void -> Observable<[String]> in
    return fetchAllAnswers()
.subscribeNext { stringArray in 
    items.value = stringArray
func viewDidLoad() {
  button.rx_tap.startWith().flatMap { _ in

flatMap will transform taps to the result of the observable the closure returns, here a String array.

startWith() will force rx_tap to emit a first value at subscription time, so that the first refresh behavior is kept.

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