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Tomcat 8.0 wont run on mac

I have a fresh installation of tomcat 8.0 When i run the startup.sh script i get:

    dirname: illegal option -- b
usage: dirname path
Cannot find /catalina.sh
The file is absent or does not have execute permission
This file is needed to run this program

So i echo the EXECUTABLE variable located in the startup.sh script and i get the filename correctly 'see the catalina.sh log above, which is not part of the standard log'. since the file exists, i believe the only problems are permissions, and indeed i see that i do not have exec x rights:

    ls -l startup.sh
-rw-r--r--@ 1 USERNAME  admin  1931 Apr 26 14:32 startup.sh

So i modify them:

    chmod a+x *
    ls -l startup.sh
-rwxr-xr-x@ 1 USENAME  admin  1931 Apr 26 14:32 startup.sh

Now that i have the permissions, i execute the file. But i get the same error again. The strange thing is that if i run tomcat from within a server instance in Eclipse, it works fine. But as far as i know Eclipse run the exact same startup.sh script. any tips? thx

All shell files in bin should have execution excess. Try doing this:

chmod +x bin/catalina.sh

you might get this message

The BASEDIR environment variable is not defined correctly
This environment variable is needed to run this program

try doing chmod +x .sh or chmod +x bin/ .sh

It worked for me

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