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TFS2015 Release Management Execute Powershell on Remote Machine


I have recently installed TFS2015 and investigating the Release Management integrated solution, but have come across a huge blocker that I just cannot make sense of.

I currently have a RM2013 build working with TFS, RM Server 2013, and Powershell DSC and have setup a new deployment in RM2015, it has a single task in it 'Execute Powershell on Remote Machine' - with a very simple powershell script just writing out a string to the verbose listener.

I have verified that the file is transferred to the Agent working directory as part of the artifact transfer process, and if I call Import-Module "path to script" (Which is what the PowerShellonTargetMachines script seems to do under the hood) in the ISE of the remote server, my script runs perfectly fine - but no matter what I do, in TFS release 2015 I get this error without fail:

[error]The term 'path to script\\test.ps1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. For more info please refer to http://aka.ms/powershellontargetmachinesreadme

Now just to double confirm, the path to the scrpt is 100% correct, I have pasted it into a local ISE on the remote server, and it executes perfectly fine - but from TFS2015 Execute Powershell on Remote Server - it simply fails to run, in fact any script I point at fails to run with the exact same error (I initially thought it might be a DSC component install failure, but even with a simple test script the same issue occurs without fail!

My path in the tasks Deployment>Powershell Script parameter input is:


I have tried with quotes, without quotes, dot sourcing - nothing makes a difference which is making me think something fundamentally is either broken with my installation, or I am simply doing this wrong.

Any ideas gratefully received!!!

The script has to already be on the machine. You can push the script using the "Windows Machine File Copy" task.


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