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Manage IIS Remotely through TFS2015

Currently using TFS 2015 update 3 for deployments and I have added "PowerShell on target machine" task, which calls for PowerShell script saved on IIS server to stop website before deployments:

icm -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {Import-Module WebAdministration; Stop-Website -Name $app}

with session variables as: $server = abc.xyz.com , $app = DefaultWebSite

The error I get is:

The running command stopped because the preference variable "ErrorActionPreference" or common parameter is set to Stop: Cannot validate argument on parameter 'Name'. The argument is null. Provide a valid value for the argument, and then try running the command again.”

The same script works if I hard code the server & application name.

使用脚本块时,除非将param与参数列表一起使用,或者将PowerShell与3+版本一起使用using: scope修饰符,否则无法使用脚本作用域中的变量。

icm -ComputerName $server -ScriptBlock {Import-Module WebAdministration; Stop-Website -Name $using:app}

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