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Use laravel on azure webapp

My project is developed with larval, then i am trying to use azure for web server.

I am copying folder laravel in C:\\inetpub\\wwwroot\\laravel5 . Next I run php artisan serve.

Then I test on http://localhost:8000/index (test on remote websever). It's ok.

But if I access my url for example http://bobdict.cloudapp.net/index , it say page not found.

What is the problem?

I am a newbie for this, sorry.

It seems you are using IIS to host your PHP application on Azure VM.

As the entrance of laravel application locates in public folder in the root directory of the application. You can test to browse http://bobdict.cloudapp.net/public/index to test whether you have deploy laravel application successfully. Then to config URL rewrite for friendly URL pattern. You can create the web.config manually in your root directory of your application. You can refer to http://blog.qbotx.com/basic-laravel-5-on-microsoft-azure-part-1/ for the content of web.config .

在 azure 门户中将 docroot 配置为 wwwroot/laravel5/public

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