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Can somebody help me understand why this JavaScript code won't work, and how I can fix it?

I'm trying make a global points bank for a project, and I've been trying to get a basic prototype of what I need made.

I've asked a question on how I can save a variable, and I got one answer that was OK, however, it didn't seem to work, and it would probably be better if I was to just ask a new question instead of spending a bunch of time talking in the comments with one person.

My problem is that when I press the button, it doesn't update.

The code:

        <title>Javascript variable testing</title>
        <script type="tex/javascript">
var clicks = 500000;

function onClick() {
  clicks += 1;
  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // update the value
  document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // set the value to localStorage

window.onload = function() {
  clicks = localStorage.getItem('clicks'); // get the value from localStorage
        <button type="button" onclick="onClick()">Click this bit</button>
            <p>Clicks: <a id="clicks">500000</a>

Also, if anybody could make their code so the variable stays the same, even for people who are using a different computer, it would be very much appreciated.

Replace yoiur script tag by this

  <script type="text/javascript"> // Small misspelled
var clicks = 500000;

function onClick() {
  clicks += 1;
  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // update the value
  document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // set the value to localStorage
} // Removed semicolon you added by mistake

window.onload = function() {
  clicks = localStorage.getItem('clicks'); // get the value from localStorage

You misspelled in script type. Correct it to: <script type="text/javascript">

Reffering to your comment, I would do it in this way:

<script type="text/javascript">
    var clicks; // variable initialization

    function onClick() {
      clicks = +clicks + 1; // + operator casts value to number
      document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;
      localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // set the value to localStorage

    window.onload = function() {
      clicks = localStorage.getItem('clicks') || 500000; // get the value from localStorage, otherwise (if is null) set 500000 clicks
      document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

You forgot at,

 <script type="text/javascript">

Seems to be working after that.

  1. Change tex/javascript to text/javascript .
  2. You have to parseInt() the value from localstorage (else it's a string).

    <title>Javascript variable testing</title>

    <script type="text/javascript">
      var clicks;

      function onClick() {
        clicks += 1;
        localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // update the value
        document.getElementById('clicks').innerHTML = clicks;

      window.onload = function() {
        clicks = parseInt(localStorage.getItem('clicks')) || 500000; // get the value from localStorage and parse it to int
        document.getElementById('clicks').innerHTML = clicks;


    <button type="button" onclick="onClick()">Click this bit</button>
    <p>Clicks: <a id="clicks">500000</a>



Small Mistake In Code otherwise everything is fine

<title>Javascript variable testing</title>

<script type="text/javascript"> // Small misspelled
var clicks = 500000;

function onClick() {
  clicks += 1;
  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // update the value
  document.getElementById("clicks").innerHTML = clicks;

  localStorage.setItem('clicks', clicks); // set the value to localStorage
} // Removed semicolon you added by mistake

window.onload = function() {
  clicks = localStorage.getItem('clicks'); // get the value from localStorage

<button type="button" onclick="onClick()">Click this bit</button>
<p>Clicks: <a id="clicks">500000</a></p>


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