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symfony2 list checkbox value

I have a problem when I try to get list of checkbox checked in my controller

my controller:

public function comparaisonAction() {
    $request = $this->get('request');
    foreach($_POST['assur'] as $valeur)
        echo "Checkbox $valeur has been checked<br>";

    foreach($ids as $value) {



    //return $this->render('CMSiteBundle:Sante:ComparaisonSante.html.twig',array('assurance1'=>$queryimg1,'img1'=>$img1,'id'=>$idassur));
    return $this->render('CMSiteBundle:Sante:ComparaisonSante.html.twig',array('id'=>$entities));

my view:

{% for ass in assurance %}
    <div style="padding-left:40px;padding-bottom:20px" ><input type="checkbox" name="assur[]"   value={{ass.ident}}  /></div>
{% endfor %}

You need to pass the checked checkboxes array to the view and test if the current checkbox value is in the passed array :

public function fooAction() {
    return $this->render('CMSiteBundle:Sante:ComparaisonSante.html.twig', [
        'chk_foo' => isset($_POST['chk_foo']) ? $_POST['chk_foo'] : [],


{% for foo in foos %}
   {% set checked = foo.id in chk_foo|default({}) ? ' checked' : '' %}
   <input type="checkbox" name="chk_foo" value="{{ foo.id }}"{{ checked }} />
{% endfor %}

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