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directive isolate scope data undefined in controller

I have been writing down a module for image gallery, I have got a issue with it, my isolate scope is becoming undefined and does not change its state. I cannot understand the reason for it.

I have attached a plnkr - http://plnkr.co/edit/3SJF4AwTeL2osvdEOlmc?p=preview


(function () {

    'use strict';

    function GalleryDirective () {

        var directive = {
            link: link,
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: true,
            templateUrl: './gallery.html',
            controller: 'GalleryController',
            controllerAs: 'galc',
            bindToController: true,
            scope: {
                'gallerydata': '='

        return directive;


        function link (scope, element, attribute) {


    GalleryDirective.$inject = [];

    angular.module("gallery").directive("gallery", GalleryDirective);


What am I doing wrong?


Now I have added entirety of I was using inorder to curb the confusion of global variable - please see code here http://plnkr.co/edit/3SJF4AwTeL2osvdEOlmc?p=preview

I have been using it with store directive - where gallery directive consumes data from it.

Question - I accept the images are appearing perfectly, but in my console I am not able to see Array[3] , instead an undefined is printed. Check the line below Gallery Controller where I try printing vm.gallerydata from the console.


Undefined Image: 在此处输入图片说明

I am able to see the images appearing in the view, but controller prints vm.gallerydata to be undefined.

You're passing in the data as a global variable, that won't work.

gallery_data wasn't defined on any controller nor was the directive being used in a controller context. I've added a basic controller where the data gets instantiated, I've also added the controller on the body.

<script type="text/javascript">
        angular.module('gallery').controller('MyCtrl', function() {
          var vm = this;
          vm.gallery_data = [
                        "title": "Image 1",
                        "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"
                        "title": "Image 1",
                        "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"
                        "title": "Image 1",
                        "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"
    <body ng-controller="MyCtrl as ctrl">
        <gallery gallerydata="ctrl.gallery_data"></gallery>

Here is an updated working plunkr


Angular template does not use the javascript context in his templates.

You have to bind your data with either the $rootScope or with a $scope of a controller.

Here is the releveant plnkr : http://plnkr.co/edit/XnoUXXUOmYHPaInaQN5l?p=preview

And the relevant code :

//added the definition of the controller in the module
angular.module('gallery', []).controller('mainController', ['$scope', function($scope){
  $scope. gallery_data = [
                    "title": "Image 1",
                    "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"
                    "title": "Image 1",
                    "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"
                    "title": "Image 1",
                    "imageurl": "http://placehold.it/150x100"

// i added the ng-controller
<body ng-controller="mainController">
    <gallery gallerydata="gallery_data"></gallery>

EDIT : fix the $watch to :

      return vm.gallerydata;

    }, function (current, original) {
        $log.info('vm.gallerydata was %s', original);
        $log.info('vm.gallerydata is now %s', current);

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