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recycleview scroll with other view at same time

i have recycleview and in top i have one view which includes textview .

my problem is when scroll up that text-view always at top and only recycle-view scroll .. is any way i can scroll both . i don't want to use view type in recycle-view as it already use for some other purpose

my XML

 <Rel layout>
 <text-view id="text"/>
 <recycle-view below="text" />

so how textview will go up and down with recycle-view scroll can any give small snippet for this

If you really want to keep the TextView separate from the RecyclerView, wrap them in a NestedScrollView instead:

      <TextView />

When you set up your RecyclerView, you will probably want to call RecyclerView#setNestedScrollingEnabled(false) otherwise the RV may consume some scrolling inside the parent (which you don't want).

NOTE : This approach makes the tradeoff that the RV will be forced to layout all of its views, losing the recycling benefit. The correct approach would be to properly dedicate a viewType to the RV for this header TextView and not deal with wrapping it inside additional ViewGroups.

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