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Create bean and call non-setter method

How can I create the following code into a Client bean in spring.xml so that I can inject Client(Object) into my Code ? I am configuring this bean to get data from elastic search.

Client client = new TransportClient().addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress("",9300));

Create a Spring FactoryBean that allows you to expose a Client bean and is easy to configure as a bean in Spring application context. For example

public class ClientFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<Client>{

   private String ipAddress;

   private int port;

   public Class<?> getObjectType(){
       return Client.class;

   public boolean isSingleton(){
      return true;

   public void setPort(int port){
      this.port = port;

   public void setIpAddress(String ipAddress){
      this.ipAddress = ipAddress;

   public Client getObject(){
      return new TransportClient().addTransportAddress(new InetSocketTransportAddress(ipAddress,port));

Then in your application context file

<bean id="client" class="some.package.ClientFactoryBean">
   <property name="ipAddress" value=""/>
   <propert name="port" value="9300"/>

You can then inject the client bean as usually. NB. Its type will be Client not ClientFactoryBean as Spring will detect that its a factory bean and it will manage the result of the getObject call

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