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jsoup how to select from div attribute

How to select the url from this code

<div class="main_news_lp_img3" 
     style="background-image: url('uploads/resize2/61b96f91b599c754461eca5891a87951.JPG');">

I want to select url() content - this part


It is something like this (pseudo) :

Edit :

htmlDocument = Jsoup.connect(HtmlUrl).get();
Elements articles = htmlDocument.select(DIV);
String url = null;
for (Element article : articles) {
Element element = article.select(DIV).first();
if (element.attr(style) != null) {
     url = element.attr(style);

With Jsoup you will not be able to select specific "elements" of a style attribute. You have to read the whole attribute and then parse the contents yourself:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("your-url").get()
// select all "div" elements with a class name "main_news_lp_img3"
for (Element el : doc.select("div.main_news_lp_img3")) {
    // get the "style" attribute value
    String style = el.attr("style");
    // parse the url from the attribute
    String url = StringUtils.substringBetween(style, "background-image: url('", "')");
    // do something with url...

Here I use StringUtils.substringBetween from Apache commons-lang , but you could also use a regular-expression or implement your own substringBetween method.

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