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C++ template specialization

Hi I am implementing template specialization with C++, where I would like a function foo to do something if the input (and output) types are float and double, but would like foo to act differently for int.

I seem to be doing something wrong. Can you please provide me some pointers? Thanks a bunch!

template <typename typeA, typename typeB>
typeA foo(const typeB *pt) {
  // do something;

template float foo<float, float>(const float *pt);
template double foo<double, double>(const double *pt);

int foo(const int *pt) {
  // do something different for int;

So what I was missing was <int, int> . complete code:

template <typename typeA, typename typeB>
typeA foo(const typeB *pt) {
  // do something;

template float foo<float, float>(const float *pt);
template double foo<double, double>(const double *pt);

int foo<int, int>(const int *pt) {
  // do something different for int;

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