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how to set the min-height and max-height in slimScroll?

how to add min-height and max-height in slimScroll plugin? I applying this plugin in text area , the textarea max-height reach it need to be scroll, textarea by default min-height 120px and max-height 200px

                    color: '#e5e5e5',
                    position: 'right',
                    alwaysVisible: false

if you look at the source code you can see the default option

 var defaults = {
    //Add these lines in your plugin source code

    width : 'auto',

    height : '250px',

    size : '7px',

    color: '#000',

    position : 'right',

    distance : '1px',

    start : 'top',

    opacity : .4,

    alwaysVisible : false,

    disableFadeOut : false,

    railVisible : false,

    railColor : '#333',

    railOpacity : .2,

    railDraggable : true,

    railClass : 'slimScrollRail',

    barClass : 'slimScrollBar',

    wrapperClass : 'slimScrollDiv',

    allowPageScroll : false,

    wheelStep : 20,

    touchScrollStep : 200,

    borderRadius: '7px',

    railBorderRadius : '7px'

i think you cannot add min-height and min-width through the plugin there are two options

  • study the source code and then add extra style attribute

  • or/ try to use css

add the commented lines in your source line (164 and 176) var wrapper = $(divS) .addClass(o.wrapperClass) .css({ position: 'relative', overflow: 'hidden', width: o.width, height: o.height /* min-heigth:o.minHeight, min-width:o.minWidth */ });

        // update style for the div
          overflow: 'hidden',
          width: o.width,
          height: o.height,

Your question is hard to understand but I think what you are saying is to make the textarea only scrollable when it exceeds the max-height you want to set? You can not do that by default but you can change some of the source code.

height: o.height and change to 'max-height': o.height (line: 156 and 163)

Described in more detail in this thread: https://github.com/rochal/jQuery-slimScroll/issues/70

set param height auto and for parent min-hegiht

<div class='parent' styly='min-height:400px;'>
   <div class='scroll'>
        height: 'auto'


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