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Spring Data Rest Custom Controller

I have requirement where in which i need to override the delete functionality from the rest Resource using a custom controller.here is the code for restResource

    public interface SampleRepository extends JpaRepository<Sample,Long>{
List<Sample> findBySampleNumber(@Param("sampleNumber") String sampleNumber);

i have created aa custom controller which overides only delete fuctionality

public class SampleController{
    SampleRepository sampleRepository;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    public void delete(@PathVariable Long id) {
        //do some custom logic here
        //then delete the sample


However if now try to make a GET api/samples/1(someId) or look up some search functionality on the RepositoryRestResource, I see the following error

"description": "Request method 'GET' not supported"

is there way to override only one HTTP verb have the rest of the functionality coming up from the repository.

However if i comment public void delete from the controller i am able to access all the crud and Search operations

Has Anyone encountered such an issue

I am using SPRING_DATA_REST-2.5.1-Release


You need to define your controller as

public class SampleController{
    SampleRepository sampleRepository;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/api/samples/{id}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE)
    public void delete(@PathVariable Long id) {


As well as spring data provide different events to perform before and after the domain create,save and delete.

Refer http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#events

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