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How to build the updated Uber Java SDK? Assistance with gradle build required

So, I have been using maven for project management and have no idea on running gradle. This is the Uber Java sdk which uses Gradle for build purposes. https://github.com/uber/rides-java-sdk

Until now I had been using the SDK by adding the following artifact to my pom.xml file:


The last version which was officially released was 0.2.0. Since then, support for getting ride receipts has been added which can be seen in the source code. I need to fetch ride receipts and hence require the latest changes.

It seems the build.gradle file has a line "apply plugin: 'maven'" which should add the project to my local maven repo. However, when I run gradle install, I get the following error:

Failed to notify task execution listener.

Changelog must be updated with v{0.2.1} before release. Please check /home/user/projects/rides-java-sdk-master/CHANGELOG.md

How do I rectify this error and get the latest build in my local maven repo?


After I changed the CHANGELOG.md file to begin with V0.2.1, I get the following error:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':install'.

    Could not publish configuration 'archives'

    Cannot publish artifact 'rides-java-sdk-master.zip (com.uber.sdk:rides-java-sdk-master:0.2.1)' (/home/nikhar/projects/rides-java-sdk-master/build/distributions/rides-java-sdk-master-0.2.1.zip) as it does not exist.

You shouldn't need to fork the repo, build it, or install the pom locally to get the latest chnages. Just referencing the artifact from maven central (ie https://maven-repository.com/artifact/com.uber.sdk/rides/0.2.0 ) should work.

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