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how to connect to mongodb synchronously in nodejs

I want to make use of the promises feature where in I can connect to mongodb synchronously and I can reuse the connection by passing it on to different modules.

Here is something that I came up with

class MongoDB {

    constructor(db,collection) {      
      this.collection = db.collection(collection);

    find(query, projection) {
            return this.collection.find(query, projection);
            return this.collection.find(query);

class Crew extends MongoDB {

    constructor(db) {        

    validate() {


I want to setup a connection somewhere in my initial code like the one below and then reuse the connection for different classes, just like how mongoose or monk does but using only the node-mongodb-native package.

          .then( (err,dbase) => {
                global.DB = dbase;

var Crew = new CrewModel(global.DB);

   .then(function(resp) {

Right now, the db returns undefined inside the main MongoDB class and am not able to debug this one out through google or the documentation.

Edit: I had assumed that a promise was synchronous but that is not the case.

To reuse the connection I would create a module like this.

module.exports = {

    connect: function(dbName,  callback ) {
       MongoClient.connect(dbName, function(err, db) {

       _db = db;
       return callback( err );

     getDb: function() {
        return _db;

After that you can connect to the database before starting your application

MongoConnection.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/myDatabase", function(err){
    app.listen(3000, function () {
        // you code

Considering you created the module in a js file you can simply use require to get the databaseConnection

var dbConnection = require("./myMongoConnection.js");

and to get the connection use

var db = MongoConnection.getDb();

Another option using ES6 classes creates a singleton object that you can access repeatedly. It's inspired by @user3134009's answer here .

const EventEmitter = require('events');
const MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient;
const config = require('config');

let _db = null;

class MongoDBConnection extends EventEmitter {
  constructor() {
    this.emit("dbinit", this);
    if (_db == null) {
      console.log("Connecting to MongoDB...");
      MongoClient.connect(config.dbs.mongo.url, config.dbs.mongo.options, 
(err, db) => {
        if (err) {
           console.error("MongoDB Connection Error", err);
          _db = null;
        } else {
          console.log("Connected to MongoDB", config.dbs.mongo.url);
          db.on('close', () => { console.log("MongoDB closed", arguments); _db = null; });
          db.on('reconnect', () => { console.log("MongoDB reconnected", arguments); _db = db; });
          db.on('timeout', () => { console.log("MongoDB timeout", arguments); });
          _db = db;
          this.emit('dbconnect', _db);
  getDB() {
    return _db;
module.exports = new MongoDBConnection();

I have been struggling with this problem for a while, and in particular with setting up and persisting MongoDb connection in AWS lambda functions across invocations. Thanks to @toszter answer I've finally come up with the following solution:

 const mongodb = require('mongodb'); const config = require('./config.json')[env]; const client = mongodb.MongoClient; const mongodbUri = `mongodb://${config.mongo.user}:${config.mongo.password}@${config.mongo.url}/${config.mongo.database}`; const options = { poolSize: 100, connectTimeoutMS: 120000, socketTimeoutMS: 1440000 }; // connection object let _db = null; class MongoDBConnection { constructor() {} // return a promise to the existing connection or the connection function getDB() { return (_db ? Promise.resolve(_db) : mConnect()); } } module.exports = new MongoDBConnection(); // transforms into a promise Mongo's client.connect function mConnect() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log('Connecting to Mongo...'); client.connect(mongodbUri, options, (error, db) => { if (error) { _db = null; return reject(error); } else { console.log('Connected to Mongo...'); _db = db; resolve(db); } }); }); } 

To use it in a controller or app.js:

  const mongoConfig = require('mongoConfig'); mongoConfig.getDB() .then(db => db.collection('collection').find({})) .catch(error => {...}); 

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