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connect mongoDb to nodejs on localhost

I'm trying to use mongoDB for my app. I have 2 databases and use next code to connect:

var express = require("express");
var router  = express.Router();
var mongojs = require("mongojs");

//var mongo_db = 
//mongojs("mongodb://xxxxx:xxxxx@some_adress/cat_mean_db", ["tasks"]);

var mongo_db = mongojs("mongodb://xxxxx:xxxxx@localhost:3000/cat_db", 

//get all docs(pages)
router.get("/tasks", function (req, res, next ) {
mongo_db.tasks.find(function (error, tasks) {

if I use this db

var mongo_db = 

everything is working well, but when I try to use db on localhost I got an exeption: connection 0 to localhost:3000 closed

the local db is exist and has user for shure.

From mongoose documentation on NPM :

Note: If the local connection fails then try using instead of localhost. Sometimes issues may arise when the local hostname has been changed.

You should try using instead of localhost .

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