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Inheritance in Unity issue

I am trying to get all my abilities to follow instructions from a superclass to decrease the amount of repetitive code. I tried doing this by passing in Monobehavior as a parameter in constructor. This would work perfectly, except I get a warning saying I simply can't do this. Here is my super class.

    public class Ability : MonoBehaviour {

private SpriteRenderer renderer;
private MonoBehaviour ability;
public Ability(MonoBehaviour b) {
    ability = b;
    renderer = ability.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>();


public void Start () {


void Update () {


public void checkAvailability()

    if (ability.GetComponentInParent<SpeedBall>().getAvail())
        renderer.enabled = true;
        renderer.enabled = false;

public void updateRenderer()

    renderer.enabled = true;
    renderer.transform.position = ability.GetComponentInParent<BoxCollider>().transform.position;

    renderer.transform.localScale = new Vector3(.2f, .2f, 0);


and here is one of the child classes, which would work perfectly.

    public class Sprite : MonoBehaviour {

private Ability ability;
void Start () {

    ability = new Ability(this);

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {




This is untraditional, but it should work. Is there anyway to accomplish this same thing without passing in Monobehavior. I can't extend multiple classes, and I need it to extend MonoBehavior. Thanks for any help!

You can access base class inherit members into derived class. For clarification suppose you have ExtendMonobhevior class (Your own version of Monobehaviour with additional functionalities).

class MonoBehaviourExtended : MonoBehaviour { 
    //your extended featuer of MonoBehaviour goes here

Now you can drive your normal classes(which you want to attach with gameobjects) from MonoBehaviourExtended(your custom extended version of MonoBehaviour ) it also contains MonoBehaviour

//inherit with extended monobehviour also contains extended features
public class Player : MonoBehaviourExtended { 
    //your normal class functinality

//inherit with extended monobehviour also contains extended features
public class Enemy : MonoBehaviourExtended
    //your normal class functinality


And you get full access to the MonoBehaviour also.

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