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Insert/Update using Codeigniter

I've read similar questions and answers on Codeigniter update but not able to solve my problem.

I have a user table and a user_role table. The user table has information like userid, name, address etc and the user_role table has userid and role_id where role_id s are ids for roles such as Entry, Edit, View etc.

Now an admin can change the role of a user and update the user information. The roles are shown as checkboxes. To update the roles of user, I have deleted all the rows for that user in user_role table and inserted new roles. I have tried this:

    if(!empty($_POST['role'])) {

            $this->db->where('user_id', $id);

    foreach ($_POST['role'] as $val) {

            $arr['user_id'] = $id;
            $arr['role_id'] = $val;                 
            $this->db->insert('user_role', $arr);
    else {
            $this->db->where('user_id', $id);

If all the checkboxes are uncheked, then all the rows are deleted. It is working fine. But this does not seem to be a proper way. Please guide.

     foreach ($_POST['role'] as $val) {

        $arr['user_id'] = $id;
        $arr['role_id'] = $val;                 

      // You need to run Update query. do not need to delete the records every time.
        $where = array('user_id'=>$arr['user_id']);

         //It will update the records on post


First. Where is $id defined??

Second. Codeigniter has a library that makes not necessary the use of $_POST or $_GET.

Third. Is necessary that one user has more than one role?? I recommend you to use a select like:

<select name="role">
     <option value="user">User</option>
     <option value="employee">Employee</option>
     <option value="admin">Admin</option>

Maybe you need to use an id of the role in the values of the options... something like

 <option value="1">User</option>
 <option value="2">Employee</option>
 <option value="3">Admin</option>

Fourth. If you want update... why don't you use the update method of the codeigneter ORM. In this way, I had made a file called general_model.php placed on the models folder (are you using this folder and the MVC pattern??) where I have something like a facade between the ORM and the controllers. One of the functions is update:

public function update($tablename, $data, $where)
    foreach($where as $key=>$value)
        $this->db->where($key, $value); 
    $this->db->update($tablename, $data);

    if ($this->db->affected_rows() >= 0)    return TRUE;
    else                                    return FALSE;

An example of use from the controller, for your case (using only one role by user) could be:

$this->general_model->update("users_role", array("role_id"=>$this->input->post("")) , array("user_id"=>$id));

I hope it helps you.

PS: If you want I can pass you the general_model.php

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