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cron job is working in magento site- But No heartbeat found

for our magento site, suddenly cron job stopped working.

when we are trying to set up cron job using below command, it give error as :

-bash: */5: No such file or directory

command :

*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/sitename/cron.php


we have 2 sites on the same server.

we have a custom module to check if the cron is working or not.

in one site we are getting the below message


in another site, this message:




 * Magento
 * This source file is subject to the Open Software License (OSL 3.0)
 * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
 * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
 * http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php
 * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
 * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
 * to license@magento.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
 * Do not edit or add to this file if you wish to upgrade Magento to newer
 * versions in the future. If you wish to customize Magento for your
 * needs please refer to http://www.magento.com for more information.
 * @category    Mage
 * @package     Mage
 * @copyright  Copyright (c) 2006-2015 X.commerce, Inc. (http://www.magento.com)
 * @license    http://opensource.org/licenses/osl-3.0.php  Open Software License (OSL 3.0)

// Change current directory to the directory of current script

require 'app/Mage.php';

if (!Mage::isInstalled()) {
    echo "Application is not installed yet, please complete install wizard first.";

// Only for urls
// Don't remove this
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = str_replace(basename(__FILE__), 'index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = str_replace(basename(__FILE__), 'index.php', $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);



$disabledFuncs = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));
$isShellDisabled = is_array($disabledFuncs) ? in_array('shell_exec', $disabledFuncs) : true;
$isShellDisabled = (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === false) ? $isShellDisabled : true;
$isShellDisabled = true;

try {
    if (stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === false) {
        $options = getopt('m::');
        if (isset($options['m'])) {
            if ($options['m'] == 'always') {
                $cronMode = 'always';
            } elseif ($options['m'] == 'default') {
                $cronMode = 'default';
            } else {
                Mage::throwException('Unrecognized cron mode was defined');
        } else if (!$isShellDisabled) {
            $fileName = basename(__FILE__);
            $baseDir = dirname(__FILE__);
            shell_exec("/bin/sh $baseDir/cron.sh $fileName -mdefault 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &");
            shell_exec("/bin/sh $baseDir/cron.sh $fileName -malways 1 > /dev/null 2>&1 &");

    if ($isShellDisabled) {
    } else {
} catch (Exception $e) {


Mage::log('cron working', null, 'cron.log');

when i add this code at the end of cron.php , and run the file in browser, it showed : Tuesday 17th of May 2016 07:12:03 PM so seems cron is running. but why Heartbeat not found ?

try {
   $myFile = "cronlog.txt";
   $fh = fopen($myFile, 'w');
   $stringData = date('l jS \of F Y h:i:s A');
   fwrite($fh, $stringData);
} catch (Exception $e) {

Edit 2

in email we are getting these error :

Cron error while executing searchsphinx_check_daemon:

exception 'Mage_Core_Exception' with message 'Too late for the schedule.' inapp/Mage.php:595
Stack trace:
#0app/code/community/Aoe/Scheduler/Model/Observer.php(47): Mage::throwException('Too late for th...')
#1app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php(1338): Aoe_Scheduler_Model_Observer->dispatch(Object(Varien_Event_Observer))
#2app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/App.php(1317): Mage_Core_Model_App->_callObserverMethod(Object(Aoe_Scheduler_Model_Observer), 'dispatch', Object(Varien_Event_Observer))
#3app/Mage.php(448): Mage_Core_Model_App->dispatchEvent('default', Array)
#4cron.php(76): Mage::dispatchEvent('default')
#5 {main}

cron log

2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: mstcore_logger_cron
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: mstcore_logger_cron
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: newsletter_send_all
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: newsletter_send_all
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: searchsphinx_check_daemon
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: searchsphinx_check_daemon
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: xmlconnect_notification_send_all
2016-05-24T12:30:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: xmlconnect_notification_send_all
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: aoescheduler_heartbeat
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: aoescheduler_heartbeat
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: captcha_delete_expired_images
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Job "captcha_delete_expired_images" (id: 133636) is locked. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: captcha_delete_expired_images
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Job "captcha_delete_old_attempts" (id: 133638) is locked. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:31" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:32" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:33" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "captcha_delete_expired_images" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "aoescheduler_heartbeat" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "captcha_delete_expired_images" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Generated schedule. Newest task is scheduled at "2016-05-24 12:49:00". (Duration: 0.37 sec)
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:31" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:32" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:33" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:34" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:36" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:37" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:38" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:39" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:41" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:42" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:43" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:44" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "newsletter_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:46" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:47" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:48" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:49" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:31" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:32" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:33" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:34" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:36" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:37" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:38" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:39" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:41" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:42" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:43" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:44" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Generated schedule. Newest task is scheduled at "2016-05-24 12:49:00". (Duration: 0.21 sec)
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:46" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:47" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:48" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_check_daemon" at "2016-05-24 12:49" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:35" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:40" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Pending schedule for "xmlconnect_notification_send_all" at "2016-05-24 12:45" already exists 1 times. Skipping.
2016-05-24T12:30:03+00:00 DEBUG (7): Generated schedule. Newest task is scheduled at "2016-05-24 12:49:00". (Duration: 0.28 sec)
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: mstcore_logger_cron
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: mstcore_logger_cron
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: newsletter_send_all
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: newsletter_send_all
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: aoescheduler_heartbeat
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: aoescheduler_heartbeat
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: searchsphinx_reindex_delta_job
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: captcha_delete_expired_images
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: captcha_delete_expired_images
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: xmlconnect_notification_send_all
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: xmlconnect_notification_send_all
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: captcha_delete_old_attempts
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: searchsphinx_check_daemon
2016-05-24T12:31:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: searchsphinx_check_daemon
2016-05-24T12:32:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Start: searchsphinx_check_daemon
2016-05-24T12:32:02+00:00 DEBUG (7): Stop: searchsphinx_check_daemon
*/5 * * * * date >> /var/www/html/magento/var/log/cron.log;/bin/sh -f /var/www/html/magento/cron.sh >> /var/www/html/magento/var/log/cron.log;


sudo crontab -e -u apache

If you have two site on same server make sure you call cron.php for each site.

Another reason why your cron is not running correctly it's you have job that take a time and another jobs doesn't start at all.

You can check status of cron jobs in db in table cron_schedule. In this table you can see details about each jobs, start and finish time and errors.

Please check : https://gielberkers.com/solving-too-late-for-the-schedule-with-magento-crons/

It will give you the possible options to check/validate the setting.

Also check the extension code for "date_default_timezone_set" word and see what value is given as default. Is it the same as your magento store.

I guess you need two cron job setup in your server. Try to run another site's cron.php by giving its path.


*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/sitename/cron.php 
*/5 * * * * php -f /var/www/html/sitename-2/cron.php

Also check for cron log

sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog

Executing this command you can see whether your cron is running or not.

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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