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How to add a click event on a button created with javascript in a Ol3 popup?

I am working on a web mapping app with Openlayers 3, I display features (points) on the map and when I click on them I display a popup where I added a button. Here is the popup and the button code first :

map.on('singleclick', function(evt) {
popup.setOffset([0, 0]);

 // Attempt to find a feature in one of the visible vector layers
var feature = map.forEachFeatureAtPixel(evt.pixel, function(feature, layer) {
return feature;
if (feature) {
    var coord = feature.getGeometry().getCoordinates();
    var props = feature.getProperties();
    var info =  "<input type='button' id='popupButton' value='Get here ?' />" ;
    // Offset the popup so it points at the middle of the marker not the tip
    popup.setOffset([0, -22]);
    popup.show(coord, info);

After that I saw some similar questions in stackoverflow and I tried this code to launch a function when the event is fired:

$(document).on("click", "#popupButton", function(){

the problem is that the event isn't fired, I tried replacing document with '#map' ( which is the div where the map is shown) but still nothing.

How can I trigger the event for that button inside the popup ?

I tried implementing it, the way I think you are using it, and it worked?

<div id='container'>
<button id="AddDynamicBtn">
Add Dynamic Btn

$(document).ready(function() {
    $('#container').on('click','#DynamicBtn', function() {
    $('#AddDynamicBtn').on('click',function() {
        $('#container').append('<button id="DynamicBtn">Dynamic Btn</button>');



I used the code that @Jesper Højer and @Marius gave in their answers it didn't work at first so I added it in the:

map.on('singleclick', function(evt){
$("#popupButton").on("click", function(){

and it worked now the event is triggered

Could it be that event bubbling is taking place? There is already a listener on the map. Potentially there might also be one on the popup. If you pass in the event as a parameter to your function you could use:


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