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Error EXC_BAD_ACCESS in list with SmartPointer

I'm facing this problem when I remove an element from my list.

Here my list.h:

class AwesomeList {
friend class Iteratore;
class Nodo;

class SmartPointer {
    Nodo* punt;

    SmartPointer(Nodo* n = 0): punt(n) {}
    SmartPointer(const SmartPointer& ptr): punt(ptr.punt) {}
    ~SmartPointer() {
        delete punt;

    SmartPointer& operator=(const SmartPointer& ptr) {
        if (this != &ptr) {
            delete punt;
            punt = ptr.punt;
        return *this;
    bool operator==(const SmartPointer& ptr) const {
        return ptr.punt == punt;
    bool operator!=(const SmartPointer& ptr) const {
        return ptr.punt != punt;
    Nodo* operator->() const {
        return punt;
    Nodo& operator*() const {
        return *punt;

class Nodo {
    T* value;
    SmartPointer next;

    Nodo(T* t = T(), const SmartPointer& ptr = SmartPointer()): value(t), next(ptr) {}

SmartPointer head;
SmartPointer tail;

class Iteratore{
    friend class AwesomeList;
    AwesomeList::SmartPointer punt;
    bool operator==(const Iteratore& it) const {
        return it.punt == punt;
    bool operator!=(const Iteratore& it) const {
        return it.punt != punt;
    Iteratore& operator++() {
        if(punt != 0) punt = punt->next;
        return *this;
    Iteratore& operator++(int) {
        if(punt != 0) punt = punt->next;
        return *this;
    T* operator*() const {
        if (punt != 0) return punt->value;

AwesomeList(const SmartPointer& ptr = 0): head(ptr), tail(0) {
    if (head != 0) {
        SmartPointer p = head;
        while (p != 0)
            p = p->next;
        tail = p;
AwesomeList(const AwesomeList& list): head(list.head), tail(list.tail) {}

AwesomeList& operator=(const AwesomeList& list) {
    head = list.head;
    tail = list.tail;

int getSize() const {
    int count = 0;
    SmartPointer p = head;
    while (p != 0) {
        p = p->next;
    return count;
bool isEmpty() const {
    return getSize() == 0;
T* at(int pos) const {
    if (pos > -1 && pos < getSize()) {
        SmartPointer p = head;
        while (pos--) {
            p = p->next;
        return p->value;
    } else return 0;
void add(const T& t) {
    if (head == 0) {
        head = SmartPointer(new Nodo(&(const_cast<T&>(t))));
        tail = head;
    } else {
        tail->next = SmartPointer(new Nodo(&(const_cast<T&>(t))));
        tail = tail->next;
void remove(int pos) {
    if (pos > -1 && pos < getSize()) {
        SmartPointer newHead = head;
        SmartPointer p = newHead;
        head = 0;
        while (pos--) {
            p = p->next;
        p = p->next;
        while (p != 0) {
            p = p->next;
void replace(int pos, T* t) {
    if (pos > -1 && pos < getSize()) {
        SmartPointer p = head;
        while (pos--)
            p = p->next;
        p->value = t;
void replace(int pos, const T& t) {
    if (pos > -1 && pos < getSize()) {
        SmartPointer p = head;
        while (pos--)
            p = p->next;
        T& t_obj = const_cast<T&>(t);
        p->value = &t_obj;

Iteratore begin() const {
    Iteratore it;
    it.punt = head;
    return it;
Iteratore end() const {
    Iteratore it;
    it.punt = 0;
    return it;
T* operator[](const Iteratore& it) const {
    return it.punt->value;

This are the tests I made:

AwesomeList<int> list = AwesomeList<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < list.getSize(); i++)
    qDebug() <<*(list.at(i)) <<" ";

for (int i = 0; i < list.getSize(); i++)
    qDebug() <<*(list.at(i)) <<" ";

for (int i = 0; i < list.getSize(); i++)
    qDebug() <<*(list.at(i)) <<" ";

list.replace(0, 5);
qDebug() <<"Replace in posizione 0";
auto cit = list.begin();
for (; cit != list.end(); cit++)
    qDebug() <<*(*cit) <<" ";

qDebug() <<"Size";
qDebug() <<list.getSize() <<endl;

This is the lines where errors appears:

  • AwesomeList::Nodo::~Nodo() + 16 (awesomelist.h:8)
  • AwesomeList::SmartPointer::~SmartPointer() + 42 (awesomelist.h:21)
  • AwesomeList::SmartPointer::~SmartPointer() + 21 (awesomelist.h:22)

Any help is appreciate. Thanks!


I solved my problem changing SmartPointer and Nodo classes like this:

SmartPointer(Nodo* n = 0): punt(n) {
        if (punt) punt->references++;
    SmartPointer(const SmartPointer& ptr): punt(ptr.punt) {
        if (punt) punt->references++;
    ~SmartPointer() {
        if (punt) {
            if (punt->references == 0) delete punt;

    SmartPointer& operator=(const SmartPointer& ptr) {
        if (this != &ptr) {
            Nodo* n = punt;
            punt = ptr.punt;
            if (punt) punt->references++;
            if (n) {
                if (n->references == 0) delete n;
        return *this;
    bool operator==(const SmartPointer& ptr) const {
        return ptr.punt == punt;
    bool operator!=(const SmartPointer& ptr) const {
        return ptr.punt != punt;
    Nodo* operator->() const {
        return punt;
    Nodo& operator*() const {
        return *punt;

class Nodo {
    T* value;
    SmartPointer next;
    int references;

    Nodo(T* t = T(), const SmartPointer& ptr = SmartPointer()): value(t), next(ptr), references(0) {}

Sorry but I don't understand the ratio beneath your SmartPointer class.

It carry a pointer to a Nodo and delete it with the constructor. Good.

But, if I'm not wrong

(1) when you create a SmartPointer with copy constructor, you copy the pointer from the SmartPointer copied so you have two object with a punt with the same value; when you destroy the two objects, you call delete two times over the same pointer; this can crash the program

(2) when you call operator= , you have the same problem with the copy constructor but, moreover, you don't delete the old pointed value

By example, look at add()

    head = SmartPointer(new Nodo(&(const_cast<T&>(t))));
    tail = head;

You create a temporary SmartPointer object initializing it with new Nodo(&(const_cast<T&>(t))) . Next you copy this temporary object in head , so both head and the temporary object are carrying the same not-NULL pointer. Now the temporary object is destroyed, so the memory pointed by punt is deleted but head (his punt ) continue to point to a memory area that is deleted. Now you copy head in tail , and you have both head and tail that are pointing to the same deleted area.

Look at the else case

    tail->next = SmartPointer(new Nodo(&(const_cast<T&>(t))));
    tail = tail->next;

In this case, tail->next (and take in count that take point to a deleted area) receive a pointer from a temporary object that delete it. So you write in a deleted area a pointer that is immediately deleted.

I hope it is clear how much all this is dangerous.

Suggestion: redesign SmartPointer class.

ps: sorry for my bad English.

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