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SQL with inner join and subquery

I have following query:

SELECT * FROM thread where sender = 135 or receiver = 135 order by updatedttm desc

The above query returns correct record which has a senderid and receiverid. The senderid and receiverid are both present in user table. I want to get names of both senderid and receiverid by joining user table to above query.

You can join the user table twice, once with the sender id and the receiver id and get the name.

SELECT t.*,usend.user_name sender_name, urec.user_name receiver_name
FROM thread t
JOIN users usend on usend.user_id = t.sender
JOIN users urec on urec.user_id = t.receiver
where sender = 135 or receiver = 135
order by updatedttm desc

I would go with LEFT JOIN as it will display your thread even if the sender or the receiver gets deleted.

    sender.username AS sender_name,
    receiver.username AS receiver_name
FROM thread AS t
LEFT JOIN users AS sender ON t.sender = sender.user_id
LEFT JOIN users AS receiver ON t.sender = receiver.user_id
WHERE sender = 135 OR receiver = 135 
updatedttm DESC

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