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Design Patterns - What pattern is this?

Lets say I have the following structure in java:

public class User extends AbstractEntity { ... }

public class SuperUser extends User { ... }

public class RegularUser extends User { ... }

This project is structured in RESTful endpoints with 3 layers (Resources, Services and Repositories) with generic abstractions:

public class AbstractRepository<T extends AbstractEntity> { ... }

now I want to have some DB methods executed over all types of User , so I created this Repository layer:

public class UserRepository extends AbstractRepository<User> { ... }

Can it be called an Adapter or maybe Bridge, since its executing logic that kinda encapsulate the funcionality of two other classes ( RegularUserRepository and SuperUserRepository )?

There is no Gang-of-Four Design Pattern here. There are two kinds of polymorphism.

  1. Subtype Polymorphism - due to the inheritance relationship between User and its child classes.
  2. Parametric Polymorphism - due to the generic relationship between AbstractRepository and AbstractEntity .

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