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How to create models in context with factory_girl?

In my model, I have some context validation:

class User  
 validate :permissions, on :admin

 def permissions   
   error.add(:permissions, 'Must be set as admin') unless permissions.include? :admin  

And usage is straightforward:

user.save(context: :admin)

The question is: How may I check that validations are run in admin context via factory_girl? Eg create :user, context: :admin doesn't work.

I don't think factory_girl provides a way to create or save with that option. However, you can work around it with factory_girl's build

FactoryGirl.build(:user).save!(context: :admin)

or attributes_for :

User.create!(FactoryGirl.attributes_for(:user), context: :admin)

FactoryBot offers a to_create method that can be used like this:

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    trait :admin do
      to_create { |instance| instance.save!(context: :admin) }

Or without the trait :

FactoryBot.define do
  factory :user do
    to_create { |instance| instance.save!(context: :admin) }

From the docs :

By default, creating a record will call save! on the instance; since this may not always be ideal, you can override that behavior by defining to_create on the factory:

factory :different_orm_model do
  to_create { |instance| instance.persist! }

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