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Unable to run Solr field analysis (Dspace)

I am trying to run some field analysis on the solr associated to dspace.

I am running the following

curl " http://localhost:8080/solr/analysis/field?field.name=dc.title&field.value=keyword "

I get a 404 answer. Resource not available.

I checked the solrConfig.xml and i got the right config set up:

<requestHandler name="/analysis/field" class="solr.FieldAnalysisRequestHandler" />

The line is uncommented.

Is there anything else i can do ?

I brought up a the Solr Admin console and ran an analysis. Here is what the parameters look like.



If you have the Solr Admin (/solr/#/) console enabled on a test server, it can be very helpful.

Here is some documentation on the solr admin UI: Solr Admin UI

This UI provides a great way to understand the contents of your SOLR repos.

To access it, open http(s)://yourserver.org/solr.

By default, DSpace restricts access to /solr to the localhost. You would need to disable the localhost restriction to access this service.

Here are the instructions for bypassing the localhost restriction.
Instructions Page

Please read the security warnings on the wiki page. I would only recommend this option if you have a test server with restricted access.

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